These calibrachoa baskets are fast growing, self cleaning, and can't be beat for color all season long. Despite its dainty appearance, calibrachoa varieties can withstand most inclement weather and will keep blooming well into fall. It is also incredibly heat tolerant. Varities available for 2017 include: Cabaret Bright Red, Cabaret Deep Yellow, Cabaret Orange, MiniFamous Light Pink Eye, Neo Deep Yellow, Neo Orange Red Eye, Neo Purple, Neo Royal Blue, and Starshine Violet.
Calibrachoas are actually tender evergreen perennials that are grown as an annual in the Pacific Northwest. Place in a sunny location and water deeply every few days. Calibrachoa varieties are self cleaning and do not need to be deadheaded but can be pinched at an early age to encourage more flowers and to shape growth habit. Fertilize regularly with a complete, balanced mix.